In the words of Scottish comedian Limmy (Brian Limmond) “if it’s the worst year of your life, good… because that means next year will be better. If it get worse, then congratulations, this *hasn’t* been the worst year of your life”. All we can do is preoccupy ourselves with the things we can control. We all have initiatives we care for, we can educate each other, we can treat each other will compassion, and be the best we can be, that’s it. Some days are good and some days aren’t but as long as we try, it’s gonna be a-okay.

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So much of this stems from our human brains building a world that was not designed for our lizard / monkey brains. Bad things (arguable worse things) have been happening everywhere since humans started humaning, but now we are everywhere at once and that is super confusing.

Thank you for sharing your ideas - your perspective is refreshing and appreciated.

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"I know most people aren’t subscribed to this newsletter to hear an admittedly inexperienced and probably naive and relatively sensitive 24-year old!!!! tell them that things are going to be okay"

Ah ha, guess again!

Your take on humanity, lack of passions, overstimulation, and an overall absence of trust was surpisingly reletable. Reading this article was like talking to a coffee-loving craze philospher (and I mean that in a good way). I (like many or most people) am always in this constant ebb of flow of caring and not caring about the world. I blame college for destorying any hopes I had in changing the world for better, yet I still find myself devoted to watching and cheering on others try to make the world a better place. The world's dangerous, the world's beatiful, the world's one big ellipsoid hypocritical paradoxial mass.

All I know is that it won't matter once we get to Mars

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Thank you, Kyla. I look forward to your commentary! You remind me that the vortex is not uniform. You give my 60-something brain hope for my 20-something family members. Keep up the good work.

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As I was reading, I thought, is it going to be all right? I realized that it all will be ok. Maybe just as a result of my gray hair, however! Further, I thinking "Doing" (vs. reacting to all the stimulus we now face from streams) is the antidote to lack of passion. (reacting all day is no substitute for real passion) The act of "Doing" allows one to explore a new potential passion, all the while avoiding reacting to stuff that doesn't really matter. Also, +1 for the I-65 reference. Be well.

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Thank you from a reader in the U.K. Beautifully put and a very refreshing read that was both insightful and entertaining.

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Absolutely beautiful. No other words. Thanks

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This was fantastic. Thanks. Age clearly is not a barometer of wisdom

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I think we might be soul sisters! ( a 30 year old -with interest in macro and micro and having some fun along the way!$

Raising my glass to you!


PS : let me know how can I pass the beer virtually and IRL

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I needed this. I'm going through a bad situation and externalities only make it worse. You gave me hope Kyla, thank you.

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I'm reminded of... "The food in this restaurant is terrible!" "Yeah...and such small portions too..." From Alvy Singer's opening monologue in Annie Hall.


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If you visit Las Vegas, I will certainly give you millions of hugs, Kyla

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