Great great article! More metaphysics in our technocratic view of the world please!

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gotta agree with troy- "great synthesis" was the first thing that came to mind. the "tradeoffs" concept is so important. it should probably be a class every year in school to make sure everyone gets it. i know Star Wars episode 3 catches a lot of flack, but there's a great line that always stuck with me: "only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

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This is such an insanely good nuanced synthesis of everything going on.

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loved reading this. If you haven't listened to the Joe Rogan podcast with tristan harris and daniel schmachtenberger (guys who made the social dilemma), id highly recommend it. You all make very similar points and I have gleaned so much from that kind of outlook on life. Nothing makes sense ! But we still chillin, Lol. Thank you !!!

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Excellent piece as usual, Kyla! It reminded me that this topic was hilariously covered in HBO's Silicon Valley, u should check it out!

Greetings from Argie

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