Love your visuals and the billy goat cracks me up! 🤣 Rock on 🤘🏼

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I came here to write this! haha

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by kyla scanlon

Once again Kyla proves to me that, like the Hungarian Circus performer who could keep 20 plates spinning on 20 sticks without losing one of them; she is able to read Albert Camus, CNBC and Casey Handmer and yet integrate so many key concepts into a cohesive blend. You are amazing Kyla and I just love Phil Fisher's statement: the stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing." Money is not a moral compass, and the stock market is a mechanism that prices profits and growth, and literally nothing else. . Kyla, you are a tour de force and I suspect all of your readers love you!

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I always appreciate your holistic perspective. I was a labor reporter for a long time and often people use complacency to talk about the emotional experience of workers and why they do certain things. But in my reporting I see it more as despair than complacency. It's deep and it's heavy. Especially in rural US where I did a lot of reporting.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by kyla scanlon

Interest rate hikes will usher in fascism ever more!

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nail it every time

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by kyla scanlon

I don't see why the billy goat doesn't put on skis (or a board - no judgement) and ski/board down since it's already snowing. Maybe ski the green line and go to the lodge for hot chocolate.

Does it really have to be this hard or am I missing something?

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Excellent article on the implications of policy path for different segments of the population.

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Great read, thank you for all of your phenomenal writing.

Is it real complacency though? Anecdotally, young people seem to be working really hard. Juggling work / passions / friends, but maybe not wanting to do the service jobs that make it so boomers don't have to wait 10 minutes for a table at a restaurant or sit too long in the drive through line. The amount of times in the last few years I've heard 'nobody wants to work anymore' from someone 50+ is more than I can count, when reality seems to say otherwise

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